TWiki . EBR . FrequentlyAskedQuestions

Category down Question Answer
AdminSite Why does my Node appear in red on the Dashboard? FaqNodeRedInDashboard
CoreSoftware I do not want to operate a DCA so do I have to upgrade to the Gamma Core Software release? FaqGammaCoreUpgrade
CoreSoftware How do I run multiple EbrNodes? Do I need a separate user for each EbrNode? FaqRunningMultipleNodes
CoreSoftware Can I use my Test Node in the ProductionNetwork? ? FaqTestAndProductionNetworks
CUI After the Gamma upgrade I keep getting the error message: IOException: Invalid form element (Form) ns: = ebr:cui:forms ...when viewing my Services. How can I prevent this? FaqFormIoExceptionAfterGamma
CUI A strange message when opening the logon screen &#34java.text.ParseException: Invalid length for language code&#34 FaqLanguageErrorOnLogin
CUI Since upgrading to Gamma the CountryInfoWindow on my local installation no longer appears to work. FaqBrokenCountryInfoWindow
CUI Why are Company and Official search given in the report list in DirectReportsScreen? FaqDirectReportsDropdownList
EbrServices Is it possible to return several attached files with the DcaStoreService? FaqMultipleFileDelivery
TableCodes Do TableData names have to be be numeric as in the old CSV tables, or named? FaqTableCodeNaming
TableCodes Should TableData be stored in separate XML files or all in one common XML file? FaqTableCodeStructure

----- Revision r1.3 - 28 Aug 2003 - 10:39 GMT - MartinWood
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